This will be a regular feature of the MEF blog, so make sure you subscribe via email or RSS. If you are a senior executive from one of our member companies and would like to be featured then please contact MEF Marketing Director, Stephen Jenkins.

We're one of the world's largest mobile social entertainment service, with a presence that stretches from SE Asia, through South Asia and the Middle East, and to Africa and Eastern Europe.
2. Without necessarily revealing any confidential information, please outline the principal business models your company uses
We're replicating the East Asian Social Entertainment Service model (i.e. Tencent QQ, Gree, Dena), by focusing on a fremium service. That is, the bulk of the service is free. We have valuable engagement through virtual gifts, games and other content. And then we collect the cash through prepaid.
3. What has been your company's greatest achievement to-date?
Each day is a new achievement.
4. What is your company currently working on that is going to move the industry forward?
Being successful.
5. What is exciting you most in 2010 (either personally or professionally)?
Rebuilding the team in Singapore.
6. What is the most important piece of technology in your life?
My Apple 2 computer.
7. What mobile device(s) do you use?
Nokia 5800, blackberry, HTC Desire (android), iphone.
8. What's your favourite application?
9. What's your ringtone?
Tokyo Ska, Sesame Street.
10. Which mobile industry blogs do you regularly read and why?
No specific blog. I follow Techmeme. Mobile is part of the larger internet.
11. What is the biggest mobile content issue that is likely to affect the industry within the next 12 months?
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