You will be aware of the excitement around online privacy. Businesses realised a long time ago that the information they collected from people visiting their sites was valuable to advertisers. Few, though, made it clear that this information was being bought and sold. This led to a public outcry which resulted in ‘Do not Track’ legislation in the USA and the ‘Cookies’ Directive in Europe.
Legislators are now turning their attention to the mobile app market. If the mobile content and commerce industry doesn’t demonstrate its commitment to protecting consumers’ privacy then governments will act. This will lead to strident new rules that may or may not have the desired effect and will impose an extra layer of red tape on businesses.
As you’d expect, MEF is leading the charge. The recently released Global Consumer Survey 2012, available for all members to download for free, found that consumer trust remains a key barrier to the uptake of mobile content & commerce, with 35% of the global audience citing it as their primary concern.
MEF launched its Privacy in Mobile Applications Initiative at the inaugural MEF Privacy Summit in Washington DC earlier this year, with the goal of helping the global mobile industry build consumer trust when interacting with mobile apps that collect user data.
Working closely with members who are experts in privacy law and app development, we are well underway with a programme of work that will clearly show that we do care for consumers. That there’s nothing wrong with collecting and sharing data so long as you are transparent about it and let consumers control the way their information is used.
We are building a tool for developers that will help them build best practise privacy right into the design of their app. The simple web-based platform will quiz developers about how their app uses a consumer’s information.