Due to popular demand, the call for entries for the sixth international Meffys Mobile Entertainment Awards has been extended to Friday 24th April 2009. Companies wishing to enter should visit: www.m-e-f.org.

“I am delighted to be hosting this year’s Meffys awards to help celebrate the leading companies in an industry where creativity and cutting-edge technology collide," said Hardeep Singh Kohli.
Rimma Perelmuter, MEF Executive Director, added: “With Hardeep’s participation, and our move back to London, the stage is now set for the most exciting Meffys ceremony yet. Judged by influential press & analysts and recognised as the industry’s most coveted prizes, the Meffys will once again provide a fantastic platform for innovators and more established players to spotlight their milestones and gain the acclaim they deserve.’
Entering the Meffys 2009
MEF is accepting entries for the 2009 Meffys awards until 24 April. Entry costs have been frozen from last year and are as follows: £100 per entry for MEF members, £200 for members of supporting organisations and £300 for non-members.
For more details and information on entry categories go to: http://www.m-e-f.org/index.php?id=44
“Winning a Meffy was a real turning point for Flirtomatic.....we had previously been told we were the best kept secret in mobile, but the Meffy got us a heap more visibility. And given the strength of the competition, we still feel lucky to have won it.”
Mark Curtis, CEO, Flirtomatic
“Winning the Mobile Entertainment Forum’s Meffy Award for "Off Deck Services" was a coup for Thumbplay. At their core, the Meffy Awards recognize a commitment to innovation; this is the cornerstone of what Thumbplay customers have come to expect from our service. We were deeply honored by the recognition and are proud to list it among our accomplishments."
Susan Lietz, VP Corporate Communications, Thumbplay
"Winning the MEFFY 2008 award for Creatures of the Deep was one of the highlights of my career. Proving that a fishing game could be fun, and then being recognized for it with such a prestigious award is something I can look back on for many years."
Mike Smith, Nokia N-Gage Producer